Terms & Conditions
All guests will be provided a gate code upon reserving. An emergency phone number to reach onsite staff is posted on the gate should it be required.
The speed limits for all motorized vehicles on resort property is 10 km/hr and this limit is strictly enforced with only one warning given. All motorized vehicles, including golf carts, must be operated by a qualified driver with a valid driver's license. Parking in unauthorized areas, including unoccupied RV sites, may require vehicles to be towed at the owners' expense. Improperly parked vehicles may be towed without notice at the owner's expense.
Quiet time is observed daily between the hours of 11 pm and 8 am. There will be no tolerance for noisy disturbances between the hours of 11 pm and 8 am and guests are encouraged to phone or text the after-hours line should there be a complaint. Guests are given one warning for noisy disturbances before being required to depart without refund. In consideration for the family atmosphere and general enjoyment of others, excessive noise, loud music, foul language and unruly or disruptive behaviour will not be permitted at any time of day.
Campfires are permitted at each site in the rings provided but must be attended at all times. Propane fire pits are allowed but we do not have any propane pits to rent. Please feel free to bring your own firewood as well, but bundles are also for sale at the office. Fireworks are prohibited in the area.
Children under the age of 12 must not be left unaccompanied at the pool or within the clubhouse and need to be under the care of a responsible adult at all times.
Garbage disposal is available onsite as is beverage container recycling. Most household recycling can be taken free of charge to the Scotch Creek Transfer Station, located between the Resort and the primary local settlement area of Scotch Creek. Grey pedestrian cans located throughout are for incidental litter only and all household waste is to be taken to the proper bins.
Jumping off the bridge is strictly prohibited, as is littering and damage to wildlife or vegetation.